Hi, Iā€™m Kody.

I live in Savannah, GA with Vira and our pup, Sonia.

Beauty shows up in things all around, so I find great pleasure in collecting the few fragments I can in still images. Like a lot of folks, I started taking pictures as a kid, using old film cameras from my parents and grandparents. After a brief detour into digital photography in the mid 2000s, I took a darkroom photography course in college and never looked back.

Savannah Film Workshop is a project I started to help spread the love and experience of film. I fully believe that grasping the fundamentals of film photography will help any digital photographer improve their work. The workshops are designed to get back to the roots of photography while exploring the urban landscape of Savannah and sharing inspiration among new friends.

My photography all begins on film. What you see online is scanned by the great people at Indie Film Lab, Carmencita Film Lab, and Bay Camera.

I would love to hear from you, send me any notes or requests!
